What Programming Language Do YOU Drive?

Although I’ve already talked about how there are too many programming languages, I was pleased to see recently that I wasn’t the only one – here’s an interesting article on the ‘programming polyglot problem‘. One take on it is that sometimes all we need are simple programs, so a ‘simple’ interpreted language like Python is all you need. As someone who can remember programming in BASIC on a Commodore 64, I can attest that interpreted beats compiled hands down for programming (programming fast code, or programming good, well thought out code, however…)

On the other hand, really personal feelings about languages abound, and so this site posted how we’d see our languages as vehicles. I think it’s spot on, especially PHP (have you ever studied PHP security? A Pinto is a Volvo in comparison…)

It’s relevant for me as I leave behind VB.net and C++ and force myself to delve into Python for an audio course I’m taking. What kind of car person does that make me, I wonder…

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