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Rocket Retriever Help Tips And Troubleshooting

Besides the help file included with Rocket Retriever, this web page may provide some information should you encounter a problem with the program:

Extensions Aren't Displayed.

The easiest way to check is to look at the file under Windows Explorer. If double-clicking doesn't launch a program, then your file extensions need to be fixed first in Windows. Once fixed, Rocket Retriever will need to rescan your drives to create a valid search list, and include files with the new extension.

Some Files Seem To Be Missing From The List.

Again, check under Explorer. Extensions that Windows cannot open are not included by default. An alternative is to change the setting to see all files (Settings Dialog; Extensions Panel; 'Ignore these settings and scan for all files')

Still a Problem.

Rocket Retriever takes a fixed time between scans. If a file is added or deleted in that time, the search list won't find it. In that case, you can use the Rescan Now button (Settings Dialog; General Panel; 'Rescan Now').

My Hard Drive Makes Noise When The Program Is Running.

If the scan speed is set too high, a scan may be somewhat noisy as the program searches the file directories quickly. You can reduce the speed in the General panel of the Settings dialog, or turn it off completely, and use the Rescan Now button when you want to update your file list. Since Rocket Retriever always scans on startup, you may prefer to make that your only scan.

Often There Are Too Many Results From My Searches.

Try removing extensions that you never need by moving them into the non-viewing category. The Extensions panel of the Settings dialog displays all valid extensions, and lets you hide unnecessary ones. As a tip, you can use the CTRL and SHIFT keys while selecting files - selecting with Shift highlights a range, while selecting with CTRL includes that item in the current group (just like file selection in Windows Explorer).

Hot Key Fails To Work.

Check that the program is running (icon appears in the taskbar tray). If not, you may have closed it instead of hidden it - just restart the program.

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